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Name: Dr. Eliot S. Elfner
Spouse's Name: Bonnie
Date of Birth: August 5
Tenure Date: l976
Date of Appointment to St. Norbert College Faculty: August l97l
Current Rank and Date Received: Emeritus Professor, August, 2014
Educational Background (include other postgraduate study)
- Ph.D., UW-Madison, l977, College and University Administration
- MBA, UW-Madison, l969, Management
- BSME, UW-Madison, l963, Industrial Engineering option
Academic Experience (schools and dates of appointments)
- St. Norbert College, Adjunct Emeritus Instructor, 2014-present
- St. Norbert College, Emeritus Professor of Business Administration, 2014-present
- St. Norbert College, Interim Associate Dean of Social Sciences, 2011-12
- St. Norbert College, Chair, Division of Social Sciences, 1996-2003
- St. Norbert College, Assistant/Associate/Professor of Business, l97l-2014
- Silver Lake College, Lecturer, Commissioned Ministry Program, l2/88-l/89
- Western New Mexico University, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Business, Summer, l985
- UW-Oshkosh, Adjunct Assistant Professor, College of Business Administration, l978-l982
- UW-Madison, Lecturer & Teaching Assistant, Graduate School of Business, Summer, l969-70
- UW-Madison Extension, Instructor, Dept. of Commerce, Fall, l969
Other Employment (including dates)
- l965-l967, Senior Industrial Engineer, Appleton Papers, Inc., Appleton, WI
- l963-l965, Industrial Engineer, American Can Co., Neenah, WI
- Elfner. Eliot, Contributing Author, James O. and Karen W. Nichols, A Road Map for Improvement of Student Learning and Support Services Through Assessment, (Flemington, NJ: Agathon Press), 2005
- _________, "Assessing Values and Ethics Outcomes in the General Education Progran, "Collection of Papers on Self Study and Institutional Improvement, 2004", Higher Learning Commission, North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, Chicago, IL, April, 2004
- Roy, Matthew, and Eliot Elfner, "Analyzing student satisfaction with instructional technology techniques." Industrial and Commercial Training, Vol 34, No. 2, pp. 272-277, 2002
- Elfner, Eliot S., Eric Elfner, and Christopher Elfner, "TQM, ERP, Data Warehousing and Knowledge Management," paper published in the Proceedings of the Annual Quest for Global Competition Forum, San Juan, PR, March 1999
- Elfner, Eliot S, and Matt Roy, papers on the Satisfaction with, and the Effectiveness of Instructional Technology on Learning Outcomes published in the Proceedings of several Conferences, March, 1998 to February 2001
- Elfner, Eliot S., Authored four part Series exploring the application of Continuous Quality Improvement in the Classroom, published in The Beacon, (DePere, WI: St. Norbert College Office of Faculty Development), October and December 1995, and January and March 1996
- _________, "Assessment and Quality Improvement," in James O. Nichols, A Practitioner's Handbook for Institutional Effectiveness and Student Outcomes Assessment Implementation, 3rd Edition, (New York: Agathon Press) 1995
- _________, "Teaching TQM in the TQM Classroom," Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Business/Economics Teaching Conference, (Chicago, IL:Elmhurst College and Metropolitan State University), November, 1995
- _________, "The Fitzgerald Machine Company," Arthur Anderson & Co., S.C. Business Ethics Minicase Collection, (St. Charles, IL: Arthur Anderson & CO., S.C. Center for Professional Education) 1992, MGMT-17, pp. 1-4
- _________, "Assessing Quality in Higher Education through Regional Accreditation: Peer Review and Outcomes Assessment in the United States," published in Banta, Trudy W., et al., editors, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Assessing Quality in Higher Education, (Knoxville, TN: Center for Assessment Research and Development), July, 1991, pp. 263-76
- _________, "Evaluating Institutional Compliance with Criterion Three," NCA Regional Seminars Spring 1991: Assessment Workbook, (Chicago; Commission on Institutions of Higher Education - North Central Association of Schools and Colleges), 1991, pp. 99-101
- _________, "Finding Appropriate Methods of Assessment: The Liberal Arts College," A Collection of Papers on Self Study and Institutional Improvement, for the Ninety-Third Annual Meeting of the North Central Association Commission on Institutions of Higher Education, Chicago, IL, April, l988
- __________, "Decision Support Systems for Micro-Computers in the Industrial Engineering Environment," Computers in Industrial Engineering: An International Journal, V. 15, March, l988, pp. 85-90
- __________, Three papers on the topic of student outcomes published in proceedings of regional and international institutional research conferences - l984-88
- __________, Two papers on the topic of microcomputers in the Proceedings of International Industrial Engineering Conferences - l984/88
- __________, "EOQ and Price Break Purchasing" in Industrial Engineering, V. 15, N. 6, June, l983, pp. 18+
- Hardy, R. Reed, and Elfner, Eliot S., "Writing Courseware for the TRS-80" published in Creative Computing, Oct. l982, reprinted in The Creative TRS-80, l984
- Authored and Co-authored Seven papers Abstracted in ERIC's RIE and in Higher Education Abstracts, 1980-86
- Delbecq, Andre L., and Elfner, Eliot S., "Local-Cosmopolitan Orientations and Career Strategies of Task Specialists, The Academy of Management Journal, v. l3, n. 4, pp. 373-88
Professional Presentations and Activities
- Presentation entitled "Tests for Randomness in the Daily Change in the Dow Jones Industrial Average,", March 2014, OMEA Division of the MBAA International Conference, Chicago
- Session Chair on Quantitative Insights, March 2014, OMEA Division of the MBAA International Conference, Chicago
- Chaired a panel discussion entitled “Using Excel for Teaching Quantitative Modeling” at the MBAA International Conference, March 2011, Chicago
- Presentation entitled "The Ambiguity of Leadership" at the SNC Door County Distinguished Lecture Series, March, 2011, Fish Creek, WI
- Presented paper entitled "The Case for Gathering Evidence about Program effectiveness to Improve Student Learning," to the Institute of Behavioral and Applied Management Annual Conference, October 7-9, 2010, San Diego
- Presented paper entitled "The Case AGAINST Measuring Student Outcome Data to Demonstrate Institutional Accountability" at the 10th Annual Assessment Conference held by Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, February, 2010
- Attended the 40th Annual Meeting of the Decision Science Institute, New Orleans, November, 2009
- Served as Special Education Guest Reviewer for College Teaching Methods and Styles Journal, Special edition - 2009
- Presented Workshop entitled “The Process of Developing Rubrics for Assessing General Education and Values Outcomes,” The 2004 Assessment Institute in Indianapolis, IUPUI, Indianapolis, October/November 2004
- Presentation entitled "Assessing Values and Ethics Outcomes in the General Education Program,” Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, April, 2004
- Presented paper on "Assessing Classroom Teaching Methodologies to Enhance Student Learning" at the 39th Annual Meeting of the Midwest Business Administration Association, Chicago, March, 2003
- Participate as external reviewer of Business Administration Program, Loras College, DuBuque, IA, April 1999
- Co-Presented paper on TQM, ERP, Data Warehousing and Knowledge Management at the Quest for Global Competition Forum, San Juan PR. March 1999
- Presented paper on the Effectiveness of Instructional Technology and Student Learning at the 34th Annual MBAA Conference, Chicago, March 1998
- Participated in a Panel on Using the Internet and the Web for Courses, 25th Annual Conference of ABSEL, Maui, HI, January 1998
- Invited to present discussions of "Assessment and Accreditation" and to consult with various administrative and faculty groups on implementing student outcomes assessment for:
- Keweenaw Bay Ojibwa Community College, (Baraga, MI, 2009)
- Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwa Community College, (Hayward, WI, August and December 2007)
- William Rainey Harper College ( Palatine, IL, June, 2004)
- North Central Texas College (Texas, January, 2004)
- Texas A&M International University (Texas, August, 2002)
- Morehead State University (Kentucky, August, 1999)
- Edgewood College (Wisconsin, August, 1999)
- Gateway Technical College (Wisconsin, August 1999)
- Wisconsin Lutheran College, (Wisconsin, March, 1999)
- Dodge City Community College (Kansas, February, 1998)
- The Nazarene Bible College (Colorado Springs, April 1997)
- The University of Nebraska - Omaha (Nebraska, January 1997)
- Calumet College (Indiana, September 1995)
- Governors State University (Illinois, January 1995)
- Ferris State University (Michigan, October 1993)
- Kishwaukee College (Illinois, August 1993)
- and Indiana University-East (Indiana, August 1992).
- Served as Reader for the U.S. Department of Education Student Support Services Grant Competition, Washington, D.C., March, 1997
- Presented and co-presented papers on Business Simulation Gaming, using Continuous Quality Improvement in the classroom, adapting Continuous Quality Improvement to Higher Education, and implementing Instructional Technology in the Classroom to the Elmhurst College/Metropolitan State University Sponsored Conferences on Business/Economics Teaching Effectiveness, 1994-96
- Presented several talks on Total Quality Management in Service Environments to local and regional professional groups.
- Co-Presented an ongoing series of One- and Three-Day Workshops on Implementing Institutional Effectiveness and Student Outcomes Assessment on Your Campus and Assessing General Education Learning with Institutional Effectiveness Associates, Memphis and Nashville, TN, and Orlando, FL, and Las Vegas, New Orleans, LA, San Antonio,and DePere, WI, Summers, 1991-2008
- Invited to present paper on Peer Review and Outcomes Assessment in the United States to the Third International Conference on Assessing Quality in Higher Education, Bath College of Higher Education, Bath, England, July 16-19, 1991
- Presented session on "Evaluating Institutional Compliance with Criterion Three", to NCA Consultant/Evaluators at the four Regional Spring Workshops on Assessing Student Academic Achievement sponsored by NCA-CIHE, Minneapolis, Kansas City, Denver, and Chicago, April and May, 1991
- Organized and co-presented session, North Central Association Commission on Institutions of Higher Education Annual Conference, Continuing Consultant/Evaluator Workshop, Chicago, March, 1991
- Presented paper at the AIRUM-IAIR Joint Conference, Chicago, Nov. l990
- Participated in Post-Doctoral Faculty Development in International Business Workshop on Internationalizing the Management Curriculum, The University of South Carolina, June l989
- Attended International Conference of the Academy of Management, Washington, D.C., August, l989
- Attended four day workshop on basic and advanced SPSS/PC analyses, May, l989
- Served as occasional reviewer for Computers in Industrial Engineering, Decision Sciences Journal, ABEC Journal, l984-present
- Program Chair, AIRUM Fall Conference, Des Moines, IA, l98l
- Reviewer, Decision Sciences special issue devoted to Higher Education Administration, Fall, l980
Work in Progress
Grant History (including unfunded proposals)
- Received a Digital Learning Initiative Grant for preparing "Flipped" lectures for the Capstone Seminar in Business Administration Major, 2013-14
- Co-wrote Several Grant applications for Outcomes Assessment Projects
Memberships in Professional Associations; offices held and recent meetings attended (with years)
- Association for Business Simulation and Experiential Learning, 1992-1995, 1998-99
- Institute of Industrial Engineers, l965-present
- National Society of Professional Engineers, l966-69
- Academy of Management, l970-present
- Society for The Advancement of Management, l97l-83
- AAUP, l975-84
- American Management Association, l975-8l
- AAHE, l975-2000
- American Institute of Decision Sciences/Decision Sciences Institute, l977-present
- American Production and Inventory Control Society, 2002-present
- Association for Institutional Research/Association for Institutional Research in the Upper Midwest, l979-1989, 1994-1996
Committee Service at St. Norbert College (with years)
- Appointed to serve as the Retired Faculty Representative on the Benefits Advisory Committee, 2014 - present
- Elected to the Curiculum and Educational Policy Committee, 2012-2013
- Elected as Faculty Representative on the Investment Committee of the SNC Board of Trustees, 2010-2012
- Elected to and served as the Inaugural Chair of the SNC Sabbatical Committee, 2009-2010
- Appointed to the Presidential Ad hoc Strategic Planning Committee, 2009-2010
- Elected to the College Athletic Committee, l989-9l, 2009-2011
- Appointed to serve on the SOOT Review Committee, 2009-2011
- Elected to the Strategic Planning and Resource Allocation Advisory Committee (SPRAAC), 2001-2010
- Served as Director of the Board, Young Artists Workshop, 2006-07
- Elected as Faculty Representative on the Academic Committee of the SNC Board of Trustees, 2004-06, 2006-08
- Elected to the Faculty Personnel Committee, 2004-2007
- Elected to the Business and Finance Advisory Council, 2003-2005
- Elected to President's Information Council, 2003-2005
- Elected to the Strategic Planning Council, 2000-2002
- Served as Member of Dean's Council, 1996-2003
- Served on Long Range Planning Committee - Facilities and Technology Task Force, fall, 1995
- Served as Ex Officio member of many College committees representing the Division of Social Sciences as Chair 1996-2003
- Elected to the College Personnel Committee, 1994-95
- Served on the Continuing Education Task Force, 1994-1996
- Coordinated the First Annual Business Policy Speaker Forum, 1993-94
- Elected to College Assessment Committee, 1993-95
- Invited to participate on the Leadership Studies Coordinating Committee, 1993- 1998
- Appointed by Dean to Co-Coordinate the Leadership Studies Core Planning Group, 1992-93
- Appointed by President to the Task Force on Financial Aid, 1991-92
- Elected to the Faculty Advisory Council, 1991-93
- Participated in the International Center Program Steering Committee, 1990-91
- Elected and re-elected to the College Business & Finance Advisory Committee, l990-98
- Co-Chair, Leadership Studies Minor Task Force, 1988
- Appointed to the Computer Information Systems Program Committee, l988-90
- Appointed to the Computer Services Advisory Committee, l988-9l
- Elected to Division of Social Science Advisory Council, l987-88, l989-9l
- Appointed to College Community Relations Board, l987-88
- Appointed to Ad Hoc Research on Human Subjects Committee, l986/87
- Elected Faculty Chair, l984/85 and l985/86
- Appointed Chair and Director, Goals Impact Committee and Project, l978-89
- Appointed to 85th Founder's Day and Presidential Inauguration Committee, l983
- Chair, Subcommittee on Business Core Curriculum, l979-80
- Appointed to two Ad Hoc Computer Advisory Committees, l979-80
- Appointed to Student Life Committee, l977-78
- Appointed to Ad Hoc Committee on Promotion and Rank, l975
- Appointed to Ad Hoc Committee on Priorities, l974
- Appointed to ACE Data for Decisions Task Force, Spring, l973
Other Service to the College (administrative, advisor to student organization, etc.)
- Served on the First Year Common Course Task Force, 2012-2014
- Served on and Chaired Ad Hoc Business Discipline Committees exploring the possibility of developing a Masters in Business, 2000-2001
- Appointed Chair of the Social Science Division, January, 1996 -August, 2003
- Represented College on First Faculty Exchange with Kharkov Polytechnical Institute, in Ukraine, January, 1993
- Served as Chair of Business Administration Ad Hoc Task Force on Assessing Student Outcomes, 1991 - 1996
- Served on Planning Committee for the Kharkov Exchange Program, 1991- 1995
- Served on Global Management Certificate Advisory Committee, 1990-1996
- Served as Admission Mentor for Prospective Students each year, 1990-present, met personally with numerous prospective students each year
- Participated as panel member in Trade Opportunities for Northeastern Wisconsin Business, Featuring Lynn Williams, U. S. Deputy Trade Representative, November, 1990
- Represented Business Administration at the Admissions Preview Day, 1989-95
- Appointed to Chair International Center Task Force on Business/Exports - Fall l989
- Served as Acting Director of the Business Discipline - Fall l989
- Acting as Faculty Moderator for independent men's social organization - Spring l989 to 2000
- Serve as Scorekeeper for men's and women's Varsity Basketball games, 1988-present
- Implemented and maintained SNC Business Administration BBS, 1987-1995
- Served as Mentor for New Faculty in the Faculty Development Program, 1985, 1988, and 1990
- Developed and maintained the SNC Electronic Bulletin Board System, l985-87
- Acted as coordinator for the Basic Statistics course - l984
- Developed and wrote several funding proposals - l978/80/8l/88
- Acted as Faculty Moderator for the Student Chapter of SAM, l972-l98l
Professional Activities in the Local Community (with years)
- Requested to serve on the Junior Achievement Wisconsin Business Hall of Fame selection committee, 2019
- Elected to serve as a Trustee for the Bellin College of Health Sciences Board of Trustees, 2018 - present
- Serving as a Mediator for the Mediation Center of Green Bay,2018 - present
- Served as Chair, Board Nominating Committee, Green Bay Country Club, 1995
- Served on the North East Wisconsin Quality Improvement Network (NEWQIN) Resources Planning Committee, 1990-1994
- Presented Management Development workshop to the Sixteenth Annual Conference of the Central Association of College Auxiliary Services, Delavan, WI, June l987
- Presentations to local service groups sponsored by the SNC Speakers Bureau
- Board Member of the Board of Directors of several local businesses
- Member and Treasurer, Abbot Pennings Parents Club - l983/84, l985 to 87
Awards and Honors (with years)
- Winner of $l00 Award for Best Research Based Paper in the Management Education Development Division of the Academy of Management - l980
Special Competencies / Professional Licenses / Certifications / Registrations
- Registered Professional Engineer in Wisconsin, l967-2014
- Instructor/Trainer in Micro-Computer Usage and Applications
- Authorized Repair Technician, Leading Edge Hardware Products
Sabbatical Leaves and Leaves of Absence (Projects and Dates)
- Sabbatical, Visiting Scholar, Grainger Center for Supply Chain Management, University of Wisconsin School of Business, Fall 2003
- Sabbatical, Computer Assisted Courseware for Basic Statistics - Fall l983
- Leave of Absence, l975-76, Attended UW-Madison full time for Ph.D. Residency credit in College and University Administration
Participation in the Intellectual Life of the College (workshops, discussion groups, colloquia, speakers programs, fine arts programs)
- Facilitator, Business Ethics Forum, Sponsored by SNC and the American Foundation of Counseling Services, February, 2011
- Created and administered several e-mail listserves in support of class and Divisional activities, fall 1995-present
- Prepared four articles on Using CQI in the Classroom for the OFD BEACON fall, 1995
- Attended Midwest Japan Conference held at St. Norbert, Fall, l989
- Presented discussion on micro-computer telecommunications for the Office of Faculty Development, ll/87
- Prepared book review for publication in the OFD BEACON for Jan. l988
- Attended the Annual Fall Faculty Orientation Conferences (l97l-present)
- Attended the Annual FDO January Workshops, l988-present
- Listed in the SNC Speakers Bureau
Courses Taught on Regular Basis
- Internship Seminar - 2014 to present
Other Courses Taught
- Seminar in Business Policy and Strategy
- Production/Operations Management
- Freshman Seminar
- Business Information Systems
- Foundations of Management
- Personnel and Industrial Relations
- Behavior in Organizations
- Organization Theory and Practice
- Basic Statistics
New Courses Developed
- Initial Development, and taught first year of Freshman Seminar, ID-101
- Initial Development, and review and revision of Business Computer Systems, now Business Information Systems
Administrative Activities
- Served as Social Science Division Chair, January, 1996 - August 2003
- Released Time Appointment to Complete Four Reports on Goals Impact Project Outcomes Assessment Analyses for the NCA Self Study, Spring, 1991
- Served as Acting Director of Business Discipline during Sabbatical of Jeffrey Ritter, Fall, 1989
- Served as Chair of the Goals Impact Committee, and Director of the Goals Impact Project, 1978- 1989
Other (Please feel free to add on additional comments on your past academic year)
The person responsible for this page is:
Dr. Eliot Elfner, Emeritus Professor |
Business Administration |
Phone: |
(920) 403-3233 |
St. Norbert College |
E-mail | |
100 Grant Street |
De Pere, WI USA 54115-2099 |
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Last modified: October, 2018