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Name: Dr. Eliot S. Elfner
Spouse's Name: Bonnie
Date of Birth: August 5
Tenure Date: l976

Date of Appointment to St. Norbert College Faculty: August l97l

Current Rank and Date Received: Emeritus Professor, August, 2014

Educational Background (include other postgraduate study)

Academic Experience (schools and dates of appointments)

Other Employment (including dates)


Professional Presentations and Activities

Work in Progress

Grant History (including unfunded proposals)

Memberships in Professional Associations; offices held and recent meetings attended (with years)

Committee Service at St. Norbert College (with years)

Other Service to the College (administrative, advisor to student organization, etc.)

Professional Activities in the Local Community (with years)

Awards and Honors (with years)

Special Competencies / Professional Licenses / Certifications / Registrations

Sabbatical Leaves and Leaves of Absence (Projects and Dates)

Participation in the Intellectual Life of the College (workshops, discussion groups, colloquia, speakers programs, fine arts programs)

Courses Taught on Regular Basis

Other Courses Taught

New Courses Developed

Administrative Activities

Other (Please feel free to add on additional comments on your past academic year)

The person responsible for this page is:
Dr. Eliot Elfner, Emeritus Professor
Business Administration Phone:    (920) 403-3233 
St. Norbert College  E-mail
100 Grant Street    
De Pere, WI  USA 54115-2099 

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Last modified: October, 2018